With Jamf School, Essence has moved from 25 classes and 12 devices per class to 48 classes and 800 fully managed iPads with ease. Not only is the IT staff and faculty happy with the change, but the user experience for students has drastically improved.
And when it was time for the Academy to move to remote learning, they did so at an astonishing speed.
“On March 9, when Italian ministry of education announced that classes needed to transfer from in-person to a fully remote delivery, we had a meeting with our staff to discuss this process,” said Daniele Gregorio, IT Manager at Essence. “By Wednesday, March 11, we were instructing lessons online.”
After finding their stride with Apple and Jamf School, Essence Academy has been able to provide a great education, sprinkled with entertainment and fun. By streamlining the management of their devices, the Academy now has time to focus on learning and supporting the educational success of their students.
Discover how Essence Academy set the bar for Apple in education.
Learn more about what made their switch to remote learning successful.
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