Pack your bags for the JAMF Nation User Conference

If you have a skeptical boss when it comes to you attending the 2016 JNUC, here are a few things you can say that will have them singing a different tune.

April 5 2016 by

Daniel Weber

Pack your bags for the JAMF Nation User Conference

If you’re like the thousands of other Apple IT admins around the world, you’re chomping at the bit to get to the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis and connect with your peers, swap tales of IT successes (or maybe calamities), and learn new and better ways to manage the Mac, iPad, and iPhone devices your users love.

With all that and more to look forward to, the last thing you want is your spirits dampened when your boss says, “I’m sorry [name], but you’re not going to be able to attend this year.”

What a nightmare, right? Well, rest easy because we’re here to help. If your boss expresses concern over you missing time to attend or the cost of October’s JAMF Nation User Conference (JNUC), here are a few things you can say that will have them packing your suitcases for you.

1. Let’s get more out of the management tool we’re paying for
While at JNUC, I’ll work with and learn from the brightest minds in Apple IT. I’ll discover new ways to more efficiently solve the headaches that have been plaguing our IT department.

2. As Marvin Gaye once sang, Ain’t Nothing Like The Real Thing
Being at the JNUC is my best (and only) opportunity to experience the workshops, JAMF and community-led sessions, product demos, and camaraderie that comes with the largest gathering of Apple IT in the world. The JNUC is THE event for what we do and something that can’t be duplicated, replicated, or imitated.

3. The entire organization will get more out of their Apple devices
With the know-how to better deploy, inventory, and secure our technology, our users will have the apps and content they need to be productive, we’ll know who’s using what and how often so we can allocate our resources appropriately, and this will all be done on a secure platform that protects organizational and user information.

If at this point they’re not jumping for joy and helping you book your arrangements, print off or email this letter.

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